We are pleased to welcome Youth Pastor Ethan Tawney to our ministry team.
Service Information:
First Baptist Church of Ravenswood, West Virginia is located at 215 Ann Street. Pastor Toby Wagoner and the entire congregation invites you and your family to become part of our family at First Baptist Church. Please take a moment and explore our website to learn about the various ministries and programs offered at the church, and what to expect when you arrive.
First Baptist Church First Baptist Church is part of the American Baptist Churches USA denomination. The church has a rich history in this community dating back to 1866. For 157 years, we have been a part of Ravenswood. Our unique history has a connection to the family of George Washington. Read a brief history of the church here
First Baptist Church has Sunday morning worship at 10:45 and meets Wednesday night for Bible Study at 6:30. These services are streamed live on our Facebook page. We have Sunday School for all ages on Sunday morning at 9:30. FBC also provides a nursery and Junior Church program for young children during our worship service.
Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. Our communion is an open communion, open to all of God’s people.
FBC has three small group options that meet on Sunday night. Two of the three groups are youth groups. One is called God’s Cadets (PreK-5th Grade) and the other is the Jr/Sr High Youth (6th-12th). They meet at 6:00. The third group The small small group is for adults who are around the ages of 18-35 that also meets on Sunday evenings at 6:00. If you’re an adult around that age range and you want to join the group, you would be welcome.
First Baptist also has a Women’s Fellowship Group called CIRCLE and a Men’s Fellowship Group. Please call the office for their next meeting. All men are women are welcome to participate in these groups.
First Baptist is a church that has all ages across the lifespan. We have active members of all ages including several in their 90s. If you have questions about First Baptist or would like to take an in-person tour of our church, please stop by or call the office at (304) 273-9910.
At First Baptist Church, we are reaching out, inviting in, and growing in Christ together.
Helpful Information:
If you want to other watch a recent services click here.
Get your weekly worship bulletin here.
Read this month’s church newsletter here.