Rev. Dr. Toby D. Wagoner
Doctor of Ministry- Biblical Studies
Liberty University, Lynchburg
Master of Arts – Biblical Studies
Moody Bible Institute, Chicago
Bachelor’s Degree
West Virginia Univ. at Parkersburg
Parkersburg, West Virginia
Amercian Baptist Churches, USA
Good Hope Association, WV
On September 1, 2018, Toby Wagoner became pastor at First Baptist of Ravenswood. He and his wife Jennifer have five children and five grandchildren. Originally from Roane County, Pastor Toby worked as a radio broadcaster for over 15 years in Spencer and as public information officer in state government for over a decade. He served in
bi-vocational ministry since 2007-2018. Pastor Toby had previously served as youth pastor at First Baptist in 2014, where he was instrumental in growing the youth program.
While in his role as youth pastor, Toby created and branded the church’s teen ministry “Captivate.” He helped facilitate the End Zone after-game party following each home football game that has an attendance of over 125 young people each night. Additionally, he has led youth mission trips for the church to Myrtle Beach to work in a homeless feeding kitchen and nursing home. He has also encouraged young people to get involved with the Salvation Army and the church’s Community Kitchen in Jackson County.
As senior pastor at First Baptist, Toby brings the same excitement that he had in his youth ministry to the entire congregation. He leads an upbeat and interactive Bible Study on Wednesday nights. He is actively promoting multiple areas of ministry where persons can get involved in the church including a full choir, a bell choir, women’s fellowship group, men’s fellowship group, family life activities, Community Kitchen, End Zone, children’s programs and more.
The church provides a nursery, Sunday School classes for all ages, youth groups for all ages, and even a children’s church service during morning worship. If you have been looking for a church that is active, we would love to have you join us.
“I am extremely honored and humbled to be serving Ravenswood First Baptist,” said Pastor Toby. “I love this community, and this church loves this community. Our desire is to see more people come and join us, as we grow together in love and faith. We are an active and engaged church, grounded in family values. Our worship service is blended – offering both traditional and contemporary Christian music.”
As far as education, Pastor Toby has a Doctor of Ministry degree with a concentration in Biblical Studies from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. His dissertation was called Others First: A Visual Roadmap 4 Transformation, a plan for helping rural churches overcome an inward-focus mindset by becoming more transformational. Prior, to his doctorate, Toby completed his Masters of Arts degree in Biblical Studies (MABS) at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. He received both his pastoral diploma and his Advanced Biblical Studies certificate from the West Virginia Baptist Convention’s (WVBC) School of Christian Studies (SCS) as part of the American Baptist Churches USA denomination. He holds a bachelor’s degree from West Virginia University at Parkersburg.
Toby is ordained through the Good Hope Association of the WVBC where he served on the Association’s executive committee for eight years. His ordination is recognized by the American Baptist Churches USA. Pastor Toby has been a guest minister at several churches across West Virginia.
Toby and Jennifer have five children and five grandchildren. Three of the Wagoner children are now married with two of them having children of their own. Sami and Randy live in Spencer and have two children Jocelyn and Trey. Andrea and Bryan and their children Xavier, Violet, and Finley, live in Phenix City, AL. John and Grayce live in Ravenswood. Aaron is in the Air Force and lives in Missouri. Hannah is a junior at Ravenswood High School. God has blessed the Wagoner family. Toby said, “There is something wonderful about having all of the kids home for the holidays or other times of the year and getting to attend church together. All of our kids have attended FBC at one point in their lives. We started FBC when Hannah was six, and she’s 16 years old now.”
Healthy families are important to the church. Therefore, Pastor Toby, makes himself available to our church family to provide pastoral care to individuals and families for marriage planning and marital support, family counseling, spiritual counseling, hospital care visits, funeral service planning, salvation and baptism consultation, home visitation, and emergency or crisis response needs.
We believe that you will love Pastor Toby at First Baptist. He is kind, compassionate, funny, and sincere. He loves the Lord and he loves the church. Come and meet Pastor Toby at an upcoming service. We believe you will be blessed.
For Immediate Help:
Suicidal Thoughts: For persons who may feel suicidal or if you think you may be having suicidal thoughts, please call 1-800-273-8255 now for immediate help 24/7/365. Call right now. There is hope. Jesus loves you.
Addiction: For persons wanting to enter addiction recovery, please call
1-844-435-7498 now. You can get help 24/7/365. Visit the Help4WV website and enter into an electronic chat with someone confidentially if needed. You can do this. Call now. The church also hosts a 12-step addiction recovery program called Broken Chains on most Friday evenings at 6:00.
Salvation/Baptism: If you have a desire to know the Lord Jesus as your personal Savior and become a Christian, Pastor Toby is available to help you or answer your questions. Call the church office at 304-273-9910.