This Week at FBC

Sun. School 9:30
Sun. Worship 10:45
Sun. Night Youth 6:00
Wed. Bible Study 6:30
Wed. Choir Practice 7:30
Sat. Community Kitchen 11:30
-Free Comm. Lunch


Boards and Committees meet the
regular times.

Watch Our Worship Service
and Bible Study Online on our
FBC Facebook Page.



Youth Groups

Active. Engaged. Connected.

First Baptist Church of Ravenswood has made youth fellowship opportunities a priority, and we have invested our resources to make them one of the most active in the region.  Our youth programs are under the FBC Youth Ministries Director Ann Johnson. 

Ann is a school teacher in Jackson County who brings a high level of energy and enthusiasm to the program.  First Baptist Church offers youth programs on Sunday and Wednesday evenings at 6:30.

Captivate Teens

The first youth group is called Captivate.  Captivate meets twice a week with Ms. Johnson.  Captivate consists of the junior high / high school ministry.  Captivate has been involved in beach mission projects, a church card ministry, random acts of kindness, teen applicable Bible study, and simply having a great time.  Every meeting of Captivate involves free food.  Whether it’s a walk to a nearby restaurant and fellowship on the fly, or cooking up a favorite meal of one of the Captivators.

Teens Volunteering at Brothers Keeper Summer Mission Project 

See several of our teens in action at Brother’s Keeper Mission Camp.  Each year, volunteer teens from across WV and several states roll into Ripley, WV to take part in helping repair homes in the community.  We are proud to have teens involved along with a wonderful crew leader like licensed contractor Al Arrington who is a deacon in our church.  To learn more about Brother’s Keeper, please visit their website here.

For the Younger Kids 

God’s Cadets is the younger youth group at the church involving children from age pre-K through 5th grade. This group has been known to participate in fun activities such as visiting the Fun Barn amusement center, watching children’s movies, attending the children’s fall festival, fall rallies, painting projects, and more. 

If you have children, please call us at (304) 273-9910 and we’ll make sure you have all the information you need to get them involved.