This Week at FBC

Sun. School 9:30
Sun. Worship 10:45
Sun. Night Youth 6:00
Wed. Bible Study 6:30
Sat. Community Kitchen 11:30
-Free Comm. Lunch


Adult Small Group Forming in
February 2025 for Sun. 6:00


Boards and Committees meet at their
regular times.

Watch Our Worship Service
and Bible Study Online on our
FBC Facebook Page.



Ministries and Fellowship

American Baptist Women’s Ministries (ABWM)

ABWM is a group of Christian women receiving and offering gifts in response to our commitment to God.  FBC’s CIRCLE of Women which is a women’s fellowship group, strives to be  strong in the Lord, responding to one another and to the needs they see. The women of First Baptist Church of Ravenswood meet in what is called CIRCLE, and they strive to be observant of our church, our community, state and the world to see the needs so we may respond with a Christ-like heart. We work together with ABWM of the Good Hope Association and West Virginia to bring hope and love to those in need. All women are welcome to participate.  To learn more about the ABWM at First Baptist click here.

Please visit the First Baptist Women’s Fellowship Ministries Photo Gallery by clicking here.

Men’s Fellowship 

First Baptist Church Men’s Fellowship is a monthly gathering of Christian men who meet to have a covered dish meal, share in a devotion, and plan for an outreach project.  Whether it is cooking breakfast for the Sunrise Service, helping paint a bridge in downtown, raising money for a scholarship fund, or feeding a group of local veterans, there is something for everyone to do.  The men divided into several teams of four and competed in the Ravenswood Ohio River Festival bocce ball tournament.  During each meeting, an offering is received to support the outreach efforts of the Men’s Fellowship.  Meetings may be held in the church fellowship hall or in a member’s home.  Burt Lyons and Tom Stephenson have been leading the group.  All men are welcome to participate.

CommUnity Kitchen Ministry

Saturdays at First Baptist Church in the fellowship hall, you will find the free Community Kitchen from 11:30-12:30.  CommUnity Kitchen provides a hot meal to local residents who need it, in a clean, comfortable environment. Families or friends within the church can volunteer to host the community meal as an outreach project of the church.  Several other churches and local nonprofits have volunteered their service in the CommUnity Kitchen.  Attendance can range from 20-40.  If you would like to learn more about  the community kitchen or how you can volunteer, call the church office at (304) 273-9910.

Adult and Family Life Fellowship

First Baptist Church hosts many adult and family life fellowship opportunities.  Family events have included model rocket building and launching, bowling, picnics, community carnival, game night, Christmas caroling, and science experiment night, among others.  Adults fellowship opportunities have included attending numerous musicals and dramas both indoor and outdoor, dining at restaurants, progressive dinners in homes, and more.  These ministries are coordinated through the Board of Christian Education.  

1835 Adult Fellowship (Small Group 18-35 Yrs)

If you are between the ages of 18-35, First Baptist Church has a small group opportunity for you. This group meets for Sunday School at 9:30 on Sunday and on Sunday evenings at 6:30. This group usually has food, coffee, a devotion and plan activities like going to an Escape Room, Out to Dinner, or a small trip like to the Creation Museum or ARK Encounter. This ministry is coordinated by Jo Hendricks and is part of the Board of Christian Education.  To learn more, call the church office and ask about 18-35.

Bible School

Bible School is held in June of each year and draws up to about  100 attendees each summer pre-COVID.  Our program includes amazing decorations to go along with a creative theme.  Bible School includes upbeat worship music, a full meal for the kids, fun games, crazy crafts, and absolute fun.  We have classes for all ages.  We even provide free in-town transportation.    Please consider allowing your children  to attend this year.  Click here to see our Bible School Photo Gallery.  Look for this year’s date soon!

Missions Supported By FBC

Please click each ministry below to read about other mission outreach efforts that FBC supports prayerfully and financially.  We can do so much more together, than we can individually.

Brother’s Keeper
Camp Cowen 
One Great Hour of Sharing
Retired Ministers and Missionaries
American for Christ
World Mission Offering
Good Hope Association
Parchment Valley Conference Center
West Virginia Baptist Convention

Pastor Dr. Toby Wagoner

Ethan Tawney, Youth Pastor