This Week at FBC

Sun. School 9:30
Sun. Worship 10:45
Sun. Night Youth 6:00
Wed. Bible Study 6:30
Sat. Community Kitchen 11:30
-Free Comm. Lunch


Adult Small Group Forming in
February 2025 for Sun. 6:00


Boards and Committees meet at their
regular times.

Watch Our Worship Service
and Bible Study Online on our
FBC Facebook Page.



Ministry Team

First Baptist Church has a great ministry team that works together to make the church a wonderful place to worship, learn, and fellowship.  With a ministry team of about 30 different persons using their time and talents for the Lord, there’s a good a chance you know someone who is serving in our church.  Come and join us!  Let’s grow together.


Mark Gerstell, Chairman, Danny Dzierzanski, Shawn Cole, Matt King, Kevin Woods and Jim Frazier.

Deb Lyons, Sherry Dzierzanksi, Ellen Varner, Robin McGoskey, and Gusta Arrington

Tom Stephenson, Chairman; Al Arrington, Mike DeLong, Adam Pistelli, and Brent Ritchie

Sunday School Teachers:

Terri Morgan Bird, Sunday School Superintendent;
Connie Staats, Kathy Hudson, Alan Arrington, Richard Massey, and Susan West

Youth Ministry:
Ethan Tawney, Youth Pastor (Grades 6-12)
Brittany Pistelli, Board of Christian Ed. for Youth
Ashlee Wyant & Jane Moore (K-5)

1835 Adult Group (age 18-35):
Jo Hendricks, Leader

Board of Christian Education:
Sandy Confer, Chairwoman

Adult Ministry:
Kristi King, Board of Christian Education

Missions Support:
Amy Starkey, Board of Christian Education

Bev Stephenson, Connie Staats, Jane Moore, Rhonda Ritchie, Leigh Ann Kerns, and Destiny Thomas,

Audio/Video/ Internal Graphics/Worship Media Support:
Kevin Woods, Ron Starkey, Jon Moore, Susan West

Amy Starkey

Jo Hendricks, Treasurer
Connie Staats, Financial Secretary

Church Clerk/ Records:
Rhonda Ritchie

Pastor Dr. Toby Wagoner

Ethan Tawney, Youth Pastor