This Week at FBC

Sun. School 9:30
Sun. Worship 10:45
Sun. Night Youth 6:00
Wed. Bible Study 6:30
Sat. Community Kitchen 11:30
-Free Comm. Lunch


Adult Small Group Forming in
February 2025 for Sun. 6:00


Boards and Committees meet at their
regular times.

Watch Our Worship Service
and Bible Study Online on our
FBC Facebook Page.



Employment Opportunity

Youth Pastor Position

First Baptist Church of Ravenswood is an American Baptist Churches, USA church that is in search of a mature, bivocational pastor to minister to youth and families. We are offering an annual salary of $12,000.

Are you a retired bivocational minister? Are you feeling a call on your life to minister to young people in junior and high school? If so, you may be the person we are looking for to work with our youth.

The right candidate will have a calling of God on their lives to preach the Gospel and a desire to see lives changed through faith and salvation that comes from the knowing the Lord. The primary focus of this position will be on the recruitment and retention of young people in the Junior and Senior High age group as well as work to enhance the lives of younger children in the church.

We do have high expectations for this position. Our church has been in existence for over 150 years. We want someone who loves the Lord, the church, and families to apply and become part of our ministry team. Any person who feels the call of the Lord on their life is welcome to apply.

The process for applying for the job is relatively simple.

1) Review the church website to learn about who we are
2) Review the job description to see if you are ready for the task ahead
3) Complete the job application and submit with an audio/video sermon
4) Candidates may be called for an interview(s) to continue in the hiring process.
5) Should you be recommended to be hired, you would be put forward to the full church body for a vote on your call to serve in this church.
6) If approved, a start date would be given.

To learn more about the Youth Pastor position or if you want to apply, please the review the two links below.

Job Description: Click here to see or print the full job description

Job Application: Click here to see or print the job application

We want to meet you. This job is part time. We are praying that if you have an interest in this position you will apply.

If you have questions about applying or submitting an application, please feel free to reach out in confidence to Pastor Toby Wagoner at (304) 273-9910.

Pastor Dr. Toby Wagoner

Ethan Tawney, Youth Pastor